Mythes et héros

Anglais > sujets expliqués - 17/12/2017 - correction

Conversation avec le cyberprof

Enoncé & travail avant correction
Pourriez-vous SVP corriger mon exposé que je dois faire en anglais à l'oral ? ( bac blanc)
D'avance je vous en remercie,

  Bonjour, je n'arrive pas à joindre le fichier, aussi vous trouverez les éléments ci-dessous.

Globalement votre niveau est bon, faîtes toutefois attention aux phrases trop longues, et n'oubliez pas de traduire également les abréviations. CIO donne IOC en anglais.

Tommie Smith, been born June 6th, 1944 in Texas is an American athlete. Nicknamed "Tommie jet", it was one of the best athletes on 200 meters. However, he remained famous for his protest, after a victory, with his fellow countryman John Carlos and the Australian Peter Norman. On the podium of 200 meters of the Summer Olympics of 1968 in Mexico, he raised the black gloved fist against the discriminations of which Black people were victims.

Indeed, on October 16th, 1968, Tommie Smith was the winner of 200 m Olympic. During the ascencion of the podium, he was wearing black socks, symbol of the poverty of Black’s people; and raising black's gloved fist, head lowered during the American hymn. His fellow countryman John Carlos accompanied him, by raising his other fist.

But that was not all, he was wearing puma suede at that time, recalling that most Afro-Americans could not afford this type of hunting. This other gesture, however, was less noticed.

The president of the International Olympic Committee, Avery Brundage, declared that a protest concerning the domestic policy of a country has no its place in Olympics. In answer to their action, both athletes will be suspended. They were forbidden of any competition for their entire life. For defending them, Peter Norman was also put aside. Smith called this gesture " Stand for Victory ". His accomplishment led to death threats against him and his family when he was only 24 years old.

It will be necessary to wait for 2004 so that a sports equipment bears its name, to Saint-Ouen. Where a statue is commemorating this historic gesture, it was created in 2005. Instead of the number 2, we can see a plate which pays tribute in Peter Norman's support for his colleagues athletes. It’s inviting to take his place and becoming an actor. In July, 2008, Tommie Smith and John Carlos received the Arthur Ashe Courage Award in homage to their gesture. On September 30, 2016, several decades after being ignored, Smith and Carlos are received at the White House by President Barack Obama.

Matières disponibles

 . chimie
 . mathématiques
 . physique
 . biologie
langues vivantes
 . anglais
 . espagnol
 . allemand
 . italien

 . français
 . lettres 
sciences humaines
 . philosophie
 . histoire
 . SES-éco
 . droit
 . culture générale
 . géographie

Niveaux scolaires

 . Collège
 . Lycée
 . Fac (DEUG)
 . Classes préparatoires - CPGE
 . BTS
 . DUT
 . Fac (> DEUG)
 . Ecoles (> BAC+2)

parents d'élèves :  nos conseils

Qu'est-ce que ?

Derniers devoirs traités

 . Dm anglais
 . Correction devoir d'anglais
 . Correction devoir anglais
 . Corriger devoir anglais
 . Myths and heros
 . Spaces and exchanges
 . Lieux et formes de pouvoir
 . Idée de progrès
 . Mythes et héros
 . Lettre
 . Correction de la rédaction d'anglais
 . Correction de dissertation sur la reconstruction era
 . Bac oral anglais
 . Correction qcm
 . Document 5 pages
 . Question 2 - premiere demande de correction anglais
 . Research paper
 . Corporate finjance
 . Deuxième devoir d'anglais
 . Midterm exam
 . Cover letter
 . Oral d'anglais
 . Entrainement au toefl
 . Entrainement au toefl
 . Could bartering be chosen as an interesting alternative to commerce ? 300 words
 . Je dois raconter mes vacances en anglais
 . Expression écrite : give your opinion about this issue . what do you think of death penalty in the us ? what is the situation in france or in other countries ?
 . Traiter le sujet en 250 mots
 . May be
 . Dossier